Communications Policy

This communications policy (this “Policy”) describes how Andersen Law LLC manages its communications with clients and other persons.

This Policy applies only to active clients of Andersen Law LLC. For prospective clients, we do not give legal advice over the phone or by email: we ask that they schedule an initial appointment and complete our intake procedures.

Excellent communication between us will be essential during your representation, and much of our contact will be by client portal, email and telephone. We have developed this Policy because we know your time is valuable, and to enable our Firm to continue providing high-quality legal services through an efficient procedure for handling telephone calls and emails.

In General

“We” are Andersen Law LLC, a U.S. law firm, and any entities it controls that carries out ancillary activities (collectively, “our,” “us,” “we” or “the Firm”).

Should you have any questions about this Policy, please contact us at, or by mail at Andersen Law LLC, 180 Elm Street, Suite 188, Pittsfield, MA 01201 USA.

With a view to providing a level of service that meets our clients’ needs while responding to their concerns in a timely manner, we use the following methods to communicate directly with clients: telephone (including voicemail), facsimile transmission, mail, courier service and email. In addition, when out of the office, our attorneys can communicate with the Firm and each other though text messaging, wireless email, and cellular phone. So as to maintain confidentiality, we do not communicate with clients on sensitive, confidential or privileged matters via unencrypted text messages (except upon client request) or on social media.

Changes to Contact Information

It is your responsibility to notify the Firm in a timely manner of changes to any of your contact information. Failure to do so could delay your receipt of an important communication and adversely impact your matter.

Legal Service Updates

As a client, you can expect to receive regular updates regarding your legal services. These updates, along with most of our statements, are generally sent monthly, or otherwise as developments warrant. You may also receive communications documenting major changes and events that affect your matter. For events involving your attendance or participation, we may also send you a calendar invitation to serve as a reminder.

Telephone Calls

In order to maintain a functional and efficient practice, many Firm activities are scheduled ahead of time to insure that they have our full attention. If your issue does require speaking with us immediately, it is usually more efficient to schedule a telephone or web conference or send a short email.

We strive to return or acknowledge telephone messages and voicemails as promptly as feasible, and in any case within 24 hours if circumstances permit. Scheduled calls take precedence over returning messages and voicemails from unscheduled calls.


While email is often the most convenient method of communication, it can also be one of the greatest hindrances to productivity. For this reason, we generally check emails two or three times a day, except weekends and holidays. Our objective is to acknowledge most emails within six hours of receipt during our normal business hours, and to respond substantively within 1-2 business days, unless the inquiry requires additional research or analysis. We may ask you to schedule a follow-up conference if doing so would be more efficient than responding to a complex matter with a long email or series of emails.

Communication via email is not necessarily secure and therefore may not be confidential. Communications via email may be accessed by unknown third parties, including internet service providers. The Firm cannot guarantee, but will use reasonable means to maintain and protect, the security and confidentiality of email information sent and received as required by applicable legal and ethical requirements. The Firm is not liable for breaches of confidentiality caused by a client or any third party.

In addition, email is at times an unreliable system of communication and your communication via email may get lost in “cyberspace”, attachments may not transmit properly, or other problems may occur that prevent us from receiving your communications in a timely and complete manner. If you have not received a response or acknowledgment from us within 48 hours, please contact us by telephone to verify that your email was received.

General Inquiries

Communications from prospective clients and those making general firm inquiries should not expect to be contacted on the same day, and will be responded to only when we are able to do so.

Client Portal

The Firm can create online portals that are available without charge to active clients. Such portals can provide secure transmission and access for sensitive information, matter status and shared documents.

Upon closing your file, the Firm will move your client portal folder to inactive status. We recommend all items located in your client portal folder at that time be uploaded by you to an alternate location (such as your personal computer or a protected drive).